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Horn Antenna - Double Ridged Horn Antenna operating from 18GHz to 40GHz (HA-1840GA1-KF) from FT-RF
16/06/2022 Posted by: ft-rf.com.tw
The video was created by FT-RF in order to provide customers with a better understanding of the product packaging as well as the accessories that come with an antenna set.
For more information, please contact us via: info-tw@ft168.com.tw
18GHz to 40GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna
Model No: HA-1840GA1-KF
- Frequency: 18GHz to 40GHz
- Gain: 13 dbi to 16 dBi
- LxWxH: 74x55x38mm
- N.W.: 90g
- -3dB Beamwidth: Horz.28 Deg Vert.24 Deg